Quick Garage Door Spring Adjustment

Garage Door Installation East Cobb GA

“You can’t trust just anyone for spring repair because the springs for the garage door have a huge job and are dangerous if mishandled. Pro East Cobb Garage Repair has worked hard for the reputation we have in East Cobb, GA and we want to prove to you that we are worth hiring for your garage door.”

I Made a Garage Door Dog Gate Because I Couldn’t Find a Good One


A quick repurposing project turned my garage into a summer hangout spot for Bramble the dog.

My dog Bramble loves hanging out in my basement garage, and I like working with fresh air rolling in through open bay doors. I wanted some way to keep her from running off to the stream without keeping the door down all the time, so I started looking for garage-sized doggie gates. They exist, but every one I found was been really expensive, ugly, or wouldn’t do a good job holding my tactical-minded Aussie shepherd. So I tried making my own.

Bramble’s actually not a full-blooded Australian shepherd, as her dad is a sizable golden retriever. So she’s not only remarkably intelligent but she’s moving up in weight classes pretty fast. All this to say: She’s tough to contain.

She was born in January and came to live with us a couple of months later. Early on, we corralled her in a portable fence-style pen from Home Depot. It worked well enough but before long, her fluffy body started taking up too much of the pen’s allotted square footage. Oh yeah, and she taught herself to climb up and over the fence—that was the real reason we had to retire it.

Read more on: I Made a Garage Door Dog Gate Because I Couldn’t Find a Good One

Related Article: Why You May or May Not Consider a Wooden Garage Door

Locals in East Cobb will benefit from the satisfaction guarantee we provide for our garage door services.

The Perks of Having Belt Drive Garage Door Openers Installed

Garage Door Opener Installation East Cobb Georgia

“One of the garage door services offered by Pro East Cobb Garage Repair is belt drive opener installation. A belt drive garage door opener might be a good bet for you if it is important to have silence when the garage door opener is operating.”

Ideal Combinations For Custom Garage Door Installation

Garage Door Sections east cobb

“Many of today’s garage doors come pre-fabricated, but here at Pro East Cobb Garage Repair, our mobile staff garage door technicians are glad to customize one for you. There are countless choices. We’ll help you decide what’s perfect for your property in East Cobb, Georgia.”

Insulated Garage Door For Maximum Thermal Efficiency

Insulated Garage Door Installation East Cobb

“Our insulated garage doors provide maximum thermal efficiency to reduce air infiltration. When your garage door is well-insulated, you’ll save yourself money and time in the long run. If your garage gets too cold, there’s a possibility the cold could damage your vehicle, or anything in storage.”

East Cobb Broken Overhead Garage Door Springs

Garage Door Hardware Replacement East Cobb

“Whether your garage door is new or older, at some point you are going to experience some issues with it. If you find that you are experiencing a problem, we invite you to call us to get the issue dealt with right away.  We are happy to inspect your door, maintain it, and make repairs or whatever you may need.  Call us here at Pro East Cobb Garage Repair if you are experiencing a problem.”

Manual garage door vs electric garage door; pros and cons

We modern day humans like our choices. We eat out in restaurants and pour over menus with dozens of entrees and drink options. We shop for cars in auto malls and look at endless arrays of models and style choices. We can go online and browse through page after page of shopping choices with even more options for delivery. It’s much the same for our garage doors and openers. We can choose garage doors in just about every size, color, weight and style imaginable and our garage door opener options are almost as varied and extensive. Here at Pro East Cobb Garage Door we provide our local customers with a seemingly endless selection of these garage door components and one choice that is always open for them is whether to opt for a manual garage door opener or an electric one. You don’t have to live here in East Cobb, GA to make this choice. Both garage door opener options are available worldwide. Read on and see the pros and cons of each; it’ll help you make up your own mind!

You didn’t always have a choice… 

It’s true; there was a time in the not too distant past when everyone used to open their garage doors manually. You had to; there was no other way to do it! With the advent automatic garage door openers, everything changed. It suddenly became not only popular, but virtually necessary to have one of these convenient and security enhancing garage door openers. They are so commonly used now that many people have no idea that they have a choice of garage door opening methods. But that brings up the question; if automatic garage door openers are so good and so popular, why would anyone opt for the older, manual method?

Pros of opening your own garage door 

Remember when we said that people like options? While that is very true, it’s also true that people like nostalgia. Having to manually open or close your own garage door is reminiscent of a time when life was simpler, more carefree, and hard work was required to get by. Nostalgia plays a big role in folks opting for not having an electric garage door opener. It’s much like gardening and making your own clothes. You really don’t have to grow your own food or learn how to sew but it’s fun and therapeutic for many. Plus you can actually save money by doing many of these tasks and chores yourself. Lifting and lowering your garage door provides exercise, too. You have to physically get out of the car and back in when you operate your garage door this way. You can compare it to climbing stairs or taking the elevator. People do both and there are pros and cons to each method. Don’t forget the money savings involved. After all, you don’t have to actually buy, install, service or repair that cumbersome garage door opener! After a while, not having all those bills adds up. Who couldn’t use one less thing to worry about in today’s hectic and stressful world?

Pros of opting for the electric (automatic way) 

Much like a political debate, the ‘other’ side has its own arguments for choosing their way of opening and closing a garage door. Proponents of electric garage door openers boast of time savings and added convenience as you never have to get in or out of your vehicle to operate your heavy garage door. There is no heavy lifting, or getting wet during rainy season; just stay put inside your climate controlled vehicle, tap your opener remote and drive in or out of your garage with ease, comfort and security. Speaking of security, electric garage door openers offer enhanced protection as you never have to leave your car in order to move your garage door up and down. It makes sense; you are distracted and pre-occupied with manually lifting your garage door. Your car door is probably still open and your motor is still running. You are at risk for being accosted, attacked, or even abducted. Your vehicle is also at risk as the keys are still in the car along with your purse or wallet, driver’s license, registration, insurance, home address, and lots more.

Cons of both 

As we said above, having to get out of your car to open or close your garage door leaves you and your vehicle vulnerable to crime, bad weather and the elements in general. It can also become quite tiresome if done over and over. Another problem involving manual garage doors is that having one can hurt your home’s resale value. It’s a fact; most home buyers prefer having an automatic garage door opener and the fact that you don’t have one already installed can make them pass on your home and opt for one that does. If they do happen to make an offer on your house, it will for a lower amount as they have now (mentally anyway) factored in the price of a garage door opener to be added in the near future.

The only ‘con’ that is really obvious that comes with having an electric garage door opener is that it will cost you more now and in the long run. You will have expenses for purchasing and installing your opener but if you use the right garage door repair shop, those will be very minimal. There are also repair expenses if your opener unit breaks down. We recommend getting a good warranty and having periodic maintenance done on your unit as recommended by the manufacturer and your garage door repair technician.

The bottom line 

The choice is yours. We recommend that you contact a full service garage door repair shop in Marietta, GA for further details and recommendations. Weigh carefully your different wants and goals and speak to one of our garage door technicians or one near your locale. Doing so will result in a garage door opener choice that is right for your budget, goals and desires.

Differences Between Single Panel and Sectional Garage Door

If you are buying a new garage door, you have likely been offered a single panel door or a sectional door. You may not know the difference between the two and therefore are unable to make an informed decision about the one that will be best for you. At Pro East Cobb Garage Repair in East Cobb, GA, we are often asked what the differences are and if one is better than the other. One isn’t any better than the other; it is a matter of preference. They are then presented with information about the two types of doors. We feel that it is important to make sure that our customers are well-informed so that they can make a decision that they are happy to live with now and in the future. We also do not want anyone to waste their money on something that they thought was a good idea but once they had the chance to really live with the door; they realize that it doesn’t suit their needs. If you’re interested in knowing more about a single panel garage door and a sectional garage door, continue reading.

Information about a Single Panel Garage Door

This door is made from a single slab, which then slides into position so that it lifts straight up. When the door opens it goes straight up into space just above the garage. It is attached to the top of the door where the door jam is located. Once the door springs have been attached, you are able to open and close your garage door. While both the single and sectional door has about the same amount of space, they operate differently.

Benefits of a Single Panel Door

Both doors offer benefits. The benefits that are presented may or may not be enough to convince you that a single panel door is right for you. It is up to you to weigh the options and determine which is best for your needs. Below we have listed some of the benefits of a single panel garage door.

Easy Installation 

The single panel door does not have as many parts as a sectional door. This means it doesn’t require a lot of time putting it together and installing it. Fewer parts also mean that there is less maintenance required to maintain the condition of your door. The maintenance time is also minimized when you have a single panel door. You will have less expensive service fees whenever you have to have repairs made to your door.

The sectional door, however, has lots of small parts, which makes it a longer process when installing. There is also the chance of the technician leaving something out of the installation process. While this doesn’t often occur, the possibility still exists with so many parts to remember. 


The single panel garage door can be fitted with existing hardware. 


It is less expensive because of the type of materials this type of door is offered in. the cables and springs associated with a single panel door are also less expensive than that of a sectional door. Having fewer parts makes it an inexpensive option over the sectional door.

Various Options 

When you have a single panel door you won’t have to worry about matching up the panels to match the rest of the door. Keep in mind that the installer only has to work with a single slab of material. This also means that you’ll be able to choose from various styles and materials. While the sectional door gives you plenty of options, you’ll need to make sure that every piece matches exactly or else the door may not look as cohesive. In some cases, the piece you are looking for may no longer exist. This means that part of the door will look one way while the other looks completely different. This may not be as obvious to others but you’ll know it isn’t the same and this is enough to drive anyone mad.

Benefits of a Sectional Garage Door 

Saves on Space 

With a sectional door, you don’t have to worry about accidentally banging your door against the car. You are afforded more space to pull in and out of your garage since the sectional door maximizes your interior space. When you have a single panel door, you’ll likely have to move it as far to the back of the garage as possible to avoid hitting it with the garage door. 

Insulation Benefits

You can avoid expensive energy bills since the sectional garage offers homeowners better insulating abilities.


The springs used on a single panel door have been known to break. This is extremely dangerous to anyone using the door while they are using the garage. They may break because of rusted connectors. If the springs break, it is possible that you or someone else; could be harmed by the door. 

Less Expensive Door Repairs

We’ve mentioned that you won’t pay a lot for the repairs to a single panel door because they have fewer pieces. While a sectional door may have more pieces than a single panel, you will pay less if you damage a portion of the door because you’ll only have to have that portion repaired rather than an entire door.

So even if a single panel garage door doesn’t suit your fancy, you may be more interested in what the sectional garage door has to offer based on the information presented above. There is much to consider in terms of which type will be best suited for you and your family’s needs. However, if you are not sure after reading this article, consult with any of our knowledgeable associates. They will be happy to offer you further details of about these types of garage doors in East Cobb and any others that you may be interested in. When you’re making a major investment, you should be presented with all of the facts prior to making your final decision.